Saturday, 30 July 2016

Prevention of high risk HPV infection related to cervical cancer

“It is better to prevent than to cure” is one of the best known maxims of the father of clinical medicine Hippocrates of Kos  For more than two millennia physicians have learned to consider the prevention of any disease a better strategy than treating the disease. The advent of experimental science and the era of evidence-based medicine has led to best ever recognition of disease causes and therefore best ever opportunities of prevention. 

Cervical cancer is the third most frequent cancer worldwide in terms of mortality. It is estimated that globally up to 2% of women annually develop advanced precancerous neoplasia of the cervix of CIN stages 2 and 3, cytologically characterized as high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions, which if undetected or untreated can lead to invasive cervical cancer. Almost all such advanced precancerous or cervical cancer cases are caused by infection with high-risk (for cancer) types of the human papillomavirus (HPV).

HPV infection is globally the most common sexually transmitted infection, accounting for approximately 270,000 deaths annually, with 88% of them occurring in developing countries. Mounting evidence indicates that high-risk HPV types are the etiologic agents in virtually all cervical cancer cases, in approximately 90% of anal cancers and in a significant percentage (but less than 50%) of vulvar, penile, oral and pharyngeal cancers.

Evidence from several studies indicates that most sexually active adults will be infected at least once with HPV in their lifetimes, mostly in genital-tract and mouth in which a concordance both in prevalence rate and HPV type has been noted. HPV infections are known to be most common in young women and to be related to the number of sexual partners. Usually these HPV infections appear to be transient, with a typical clearance period within two years. Nevertheless, there are HPV infections that do persist over two years and those are the ones that might be conferring increased risk to women for developing high-grade precancerous lesions or invasive cervical cancer.
Early detection and treatment of precancerous lesions can obviously prevent cervical cancer. The Pap-smear test developed by George Papanicolaou in the 1950s has been utilized in routine screening programs of many developed countries in order to identify high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN2+), treat it and prevent its progression to invasive cancer. The realization of such national screening programs has over the years increased the coverage of women taking a Pap-smear test and as a consequence has reduced the occurrence rate of cervical cancer.                                          
Molecular characterization of tens of HPV types for more than twenty years has yielded a great amount of data regarding their neoplastic ability and resulted in their classification as high-risk and low-risk types. High-risk HPV types 16 and 18, in particular, appear to be responsible for about 70% of cervical cancer cases and especially HPV 16 for a large percentage of other cancers. The best prevention strategy for cervical cancer screening seems to be the combination of HPV typing with colposcopy, which provides a more sensitive and efficient detection approach than do methods based solely on cytology.

In recent years, the development of prophylactic vaccines against the most common HPV types has increased hopes for prevention of viral infection by immunization of early adolescents before any sexual activity. Prophylactic vaccination is expected to have a major impact on the burden of cervical cancer as well as that of other HPV-related cancers. Despite the fact that the currently available vaccines may protect against only a few high-risk HPV types (including 16 and 18), several studies have suggested that vaccination would prevent more than 80% of cervical cancers worldwide.

Friday, 29 July 2016

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Thursday, 28 July 2016

About Mathews journals

 Mathews is an international Open Access online publishing Group. We encourage publishing scholarly research articles of high quality which are accepted through detailed peer-review process. Mathews is devoted to spread all the published articles across all groups of scientific and research community with a wide range of medical journals to publish.We ensure at least two independent review comments and editor’s approval before publishing a scientific research article. All articles published with Mathews are permanently archived and can be used without any restrictions. We publish all the information under Creative Commons Attribution License to resist plagiarism. Mathews commits the best for sharing
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Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Mathews open access

MathewsPublishers is an international open access scientific publishing group which publishes recent updates and research work in the scientific community. We assure plagiarised free content and thorough peer-review process along with free online accessibility to everyone. Mathews Publishers is committed to deliver the facts and figures of the research work and recent advancements carried out various aspects of scientific community.

For now the journals of Mathews Publishers are focused mainly on the important aspects life science considering its significance and the research work carried out all around the globe. One can access the entire information by giving a single click. The topics which are currently covered are:

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Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Mathews Journal of Surgery



Mathews Journal of Surgery is an open access, peer reviewed, multidisciplinary journal, which focuses on the studies related to the medical care and treatment of injuries or disorders of the body by incision.
Mathews Journal of Surgery publishes papers on all ranges of cutting edge research conveyed in its field. The Journal spotlights on different types of surgeries i.e. pediatric, reconstructive, refractory, gastrointestinal, digestive, head & neck, foot & ankle, musculoskeletal, plastic, etc. It also covers pathology and advancements in surgery.
Mathews Journal of Surgery invites Research articles, Review articles, Short Communication, Case reports, Opinion articles, etc. as entries.
Scope of the Journal
  • Pediatric Surgery
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  • Ambulatory Surgery

Monday, 25 July 2016

Mathews Journal of Nutrition& Dietetics

Mathews Journal of Nutrition& Dietetics is an open access, peer reviewed, multidisciplinary journal, which focuses on the interaction of nutrients and other substances in foodin relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and disease of an organism and also applying knowledge in food and nutrition to improving and maintaining good health.
Mathews Journal of Nutrition&Dietetics publishes papers on all ranges of cutting edge research conveyed in its field. Aside from this it covers development and specialized advances in the interaction of nutrients and other substances in food.
Mathews Journal of Nutrition&Dietetics invites Research articles, Review articles, Short Communication, Case reports, Opinion articles, etc. as entries.
Scope of the Journal
  • Food Intake
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  • Fatty Acid
  • Body Weight
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Saturday, 23 July 2016

Mathews Journal of Veterinary Science



Mathews Journal of Veterinary Science is an Open Access, peer reviewed, online journal that publishes articles on all the significant parts of clinical and fundamental examination of research carried out in non-human animals. The Journal advances studies on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, disorder and injurycovering all animal species, both domesticated and wild, with a wide range of conditions which can affect different species.
The scope of the Journal underscores on the logical learning, inventive systems and disclosures making useful commitments to the livestock health monitoring and treatment.
Mathew’s Journal of Veterinary Science Journal invites manuscripts Research articles, Reviews articles, Case reports,Editorials, Opinion articles, etc.
Scope of the Journal
    • Animal Model
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    • Animal Breeding and Genetics
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Friday, 22 July 2016

Mathews Journal of Psychiatry and Mental Health



Mathews Journal of Psychiatry and Mental Health is an international, Open Access, peer reviewed journal that expects to publish quality research papers on the cutting edge research carried on psychiatry and mental health.
The scope of the journal is to underwrite the propelled flow research on study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders which include various affective, behavioural, cognitive and perceptual abnormalities.
Mathews Journal of Psychiatry invites Research articles, Review articles, Short Communication, Case reports, Opinion articles, etc. as submissions.
Scope of Journal
    • Mental Health
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Thursday, 21 July 2016

Mathews Journal of Case Reports



Mathews Journal of Case Reports is an Open Access, peer reviewed, online journal that publishes articles on all the significant parts of clinical and fundamental examination of research carried out in all aspects.
The scope of the Journal underscores on the advancement of the research carried out in all aspects and the reports pertaining to it. It covers a wide range of subjects including medical, clinical, life science, biotechnology, pharmacy, microbiology, anatomy, physiology, etc.
Mathews Journal of Case Reports invites manuscripts on the topics related, but not limited to the following
Scope of the Journal
  • Gynaecological
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Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Mathews Journal of Pediatrics


Mathews Journal of Pediatrics is an open access, peer reviewed, multidisciplinary journal, which focuses on the studies related to the medical care of infants and children.
Mathews Journal of Pediatrics publishes papers on all ranges of cutting edge research conveyed in its field. The Journal spotlights on the diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract, which include the organs from mouth to anus. Aside from this it covers development and specialized advances on different methodologies for the betterment of infant health care.
Mathews Journal of Pediatrics invites Research articles, Review articles, Short Communication, Case reports, Opinion articles, etc. as entries.
Scope of the Journal
    • Neonatal Medicine
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Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Mathews Journal of Immunology & Allergy


Mathews Journal of Immunology & Allergy is an international, peer reviewed Open Access journal which distributes potential papers on all aspects of immune system in all organisms.
The extent of the journal envelops the complete study, which incorporates indications, causes, pathophysiology, conclusion, treatment and anticipation of allergy and the investigation of new strategies in the field of immunologic examination. It covers fundamental and clinical exploration territories including the study of immune systems.
Mathews Journal of Immunology & Allergy invites Research articles, Review articles, Short Communications, Case reports, Opinion articles, etc. as entries.
Scope of the Journal
    • Monoclonal Antibody
    • Immune System
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    • Lipopolysaccharide
    • Epithelial Cell
    • Inflammatory Response
    • Innate Immunity
    • Antibody Response
    • Allergic Rhinitis
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    • Atopic Dermatitis
    • Polymorphism
    • Hypersensitive Reaction
    • Serotonin
    • Immune Response
    • T Lymphocyte
    • Adaptive Immunity
    • Signalling Pathway
    • Infectious Disease

Monday, 18 July 2016

Mathews Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics


Mathews Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics is an open access, peer reviewed, multidisciplinary journal, which covers all parts of medical practice dealing with the health of the female reproductive systems, breasts, pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.
Mathews Journal of Gynecology & Obstetricsexpects to distribute most elevated quality material covering clinical, investigative and medicinal articles. Our journal is a freely accessed that publishes original articles on clinical way to deal with the determination and treatment of women health.
Mathews Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics invites Research articles, Review articles, Short Communications, Case reports, Opinion articles, etc. as entries.
Scope of the Journal
  • Gestational Age
  • Pregnancy Complication
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  • Caesarean Section
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  • gestational diabetes mellitus
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  • Fatal Growth

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Mathews Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology


Mathews Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology is an open access, peer reviewed, multidisciplinary journal, which focuses on the studies related to the digestive system and its disorders.
Mathews Journal of Gastroenterology and hepatology publishes papers on all ranges of cutting edge research conveyed in its field. The Journal spotlights on the diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract, which include the organs from mouth to anus. Aside from this it covers development and specialized advances on different methodologies for the treatment of digestive system related diseases.
Mathews Journal of Gastroenterology& Hepatology invites Research articles, Review articles, Short Reviews, Case reports, Opinion articles, etc. as entries.
Scope of the Journal
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Intestinal Epithelial Cell
  • Liver Transplantation
  • Ultrasonography
  • Hepatocellular Carcinoma
  • Kupffercell
  • Partial Hepatectomy
  • Hepatic Encephalopathy
  • Acute Liver Failure
  • Hepatic Fibrosis
  • Viral Hepatitis
  • Lipopolysaccharide
  • Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology
  • Neurogastroenterology and Motility
  • Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases

Friday, 15 July 2016

Mathews Journal of Ophthalmology


Mathews Journal of Ophthalmology is an Open Access, peer reviewed, online journal that publishes articles on all the significant parts of clinical and fundamental examination as well as research facility examinations for progression in comprehension to ophthalmologists. The Journal advances studies on hereditary qualities, the study of disease transmission and pathophysiology of eye and visual science.
The scope of the Journal underscore on the logical learning, inventive systems and disclosures making useful commitments to the conclusion, treatment and avoidance of eye issue and visual incapacities.
Mathews Journal of Ophthalmology invites Research articles, Review articles, Short communications, Case reports, Opinion articles, Editorials, etc. as entries.
Scope of the Journal
  • Vitreous Hemorrhage
  • Angioid Streaks
  • Choroidal Detachment
  • Choroidal Melanoma
  • Ichthyosis
  • Anterior Chamber
  • Hyphema
  • Conjunctiva
  • Allergic Conjunctivitis
  • Pterygium
  • Red Eye
  • Connective Tissue Disorders
  • Cornea
  • Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis
  • Bacterial Keratitis
  • Refractive Disorders
  • Band Keratopathy
  • Contact Lens Complications
  • Corneal Abrasion
  • Corneal Ulcer
  • Iris And Ciliary Body
  • Crystalline Dystrophy
  • Keratoconus
  • Neurologic Disorders
  • Ultraviolet Keratitis
  • Ocular Rosacea
  • Iris And Ciliary Body
  • Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
  • Ophthalmologic Manifestations
  • Graves Disease
  • Pituitary Apoplexy
  • Extraocular Muscles
  • Acquired Esotropia
  • Brown Syndrome
  • Optic Nerve
  • Congenital Nystagmus
  • Duane Syndrome
  • Pseudoexotropia
  • Trochlear Nerve Palsy
  • Intraocular Pressure
  • Demodicosis
  • Presbyopia
  • Fungal Endophthalmitis
  • Glaucoma
  • Phakomatoses

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Mathews Journal of Diabetes & Obesity


Mathews Journal of Diabetes & Obesity is an international, peer reviewed Open Access journal which distributes potential papers on metabolism and diverse sorts of Diabetes & Obesity and its clinical research. The extent of the journal envelops the complete study, which incorporates indications, causes, pathophysiology, conclusion, treatment and anticipation of diabetes and the investigation of new strategies in the field of diabetic examination like organ transplantation, tissue recovery and remedial developments of diabetes and obesity. The extension additionally incorporates the clinical investigation of all the metabolic pathways that happen in all the living beings. Mathews Journal of Diabetes & Obesity invites Research articles, Review articles, Short Communications, Reviews articles, Case reports, etc. as entries.
Scope of the Journal
  • Body mass index
  • Abdominal fat
  • Central obesity
  • Insulin resistance syndrome
  • Insulin therapy
  • Islet transplantation
  • Islets of langerhans
  • Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
  • Renal failure and impotence
  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Diet induced obese
  • Diabetic nephropathy
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Fasting insulin
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Glomerular filtration rate
  • Glucose tolerance test
  • Glucose transport
  • Hypertension and hyperlipidemia

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Mathews Journal of Anesthesia


Mathews Journal of Anesthesia supports the predictable improvement and movement in anesthesiology, torment, emergency arrangement or concentrated thought exploration bunch by extending access to partner evaluated investigative written work.
Mathews Journal of Anesthesia is an open access, peer reviewed journal of special articles on the practical and clinical techniques in anesthesia. Our goal is to transform into a general reference for guideline in the field for all specialists included amid the time spent scattering learning and capacities of Mathews Journal of Anesthesia.
Mathews Journal of Anesthesia invites Original articles, Research articles, Reviews, Case reports, Opinion articles, etc. as submissions.
Scope of the Journal
  • Monitoring in Anesthesia
  • Nephrologic Surgery
  • Neurosurgery   Oncology & Surgery
  • Operative -N- Non-Operative Trauma Care
  • Ophthalmologic Surgery
  • Perioperative Complications
  • Pharmacokinetics
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Post-Anesthesia Care Unit
  • Postoperative Pain Management
  • Preoperative Evaluation & Anesthesia risk
  • Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
  • Regional Anesthesia & Nerve Block
  • Rheumatology & Surgery
  • Surgery in Otolaryngology
  • Surgical Oncology
  • Thoracic Surgery
  • Trauma Radiology
  • Trauma Resuscitation & Hemorrhage Control
  • Trauma Surgery
  • Urologic Surgery
  • Vascular Surgery
  • Anaesthetic Issues and Peri-Operative Care
  • Anesthesia Management
  • Anesthetics Pharmacology
  • Brain Death
  • Breast Surgery
  • Cardiopulmonary Cerebral Resuscitation
  • Cardiovascular Surgery
  • Colorectal Surgery
  • Critical Care Medicine
  • Critical/Intensive Care of Trauma Patients
  • Dermatological Surgery
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  • Endocrine Surgery
  • Ethical & Legal Aspects of Anesthesia Care
  • Fluid Therapy, Transfusion & Coagulopathy
  • Fluid, Electrolyte & Acid Base Disorders
  • Laparoscopic Surgery

Monday, 11 July 2016

Mathews Journal of HIV/ AIDS


Mathews Journal of HIV/ AIDS is an Open Access Scientific Academic Journal that expects to keep researchers, clinicians, examiners, understudies, and general populace aware of AIDS-related information with an in number focus on principal, clinical and translational science furthermore on the investigation of ailment transmission and infirmity reckoning.
Mathews Journal of HIV/ AIDS goes for conveyed reliable wellspring of information on the exposures and current headways as original articles, review articles, case reports, and short reviews, etc related to AIDS/HIV. The Journal serves to see better about the HIV/AIDS sub disciplines study including clinical, physiological and nuclear level of the examination.
Mathews Journal of HIV/ AIDS welcomes Original articles, Research articles, Reviews, Case reports, Short communications, opinion articles, etc.
Scope of the Journa
History of HIV/AIDS
Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS
Signs and symptoms
Structure and Genome of HIV
Subtypes of HIV
Diagnosis of HIV/AIDS
CDC Classification System for HIV Infection
HIV Disease Progression Rates
Management of HIV/AIDS
Prevention of HIV/AIDS
HIV/AIDS Research
WHO Disease Staging System
Countries by AIDS Prevalence Rate
Circumcision and HIV
Economic Impact
Sex Education
HIV/AIDS Denialism
HIV Drug Resistance Database
HIV Superinfection
Super AIDS
AIDS Dementia Complex
Tuberculosis Coinfection
HIV-Associated Nephropathy
HIV-Associated Lipodystrophy
HIV-Associated Pruritus
Gay Bowel Syndrome
Diffuse Infiltrative Lymphocytosis Syndrome
AIDS Defining Clinical Condition
History of HIV/AIDS
Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS
Antiviral Therapy
Opportunistic Infections
Alternative Medicine
Human Retroviruses
Molecular biology of HIV
HIV vaccine research
Molecular and cellular basis of HIV pathogenesis
Molecularbiology, immunology, and pathogenesis
HIV/HTLV epidemiology
A variety of care settings: pathology, coinfections
Current developments in HIV/AIDS-related policy

Mathews Journal of Neurology

Mathews Journal of Neurology is an Open Access, companion checked on, worldwide accessed diary, which intends to distribute chief articles on all the related regions of cutting edge on clinical and essential science research carried on in the field of Neurology/ Neurosurgery and its interdisciplinary branches.
Mathews Journal of Neurology is to propel our comprehension of neurological malady to distinguish enhanced symptomatic and helpful strategies and systems for pediatric and grown-up populace. It contains the study identified with structure, capacity and issue of sensory systems alongside the atomic and transformative angles. New disclosures in light of investigations of the study of disease transmission, etiology, component, counteractive action, analysis, restorative and surgical treatment and its result, and cell and sub-atomic examinations of disarranges influencing sensory systems are secured under the extension.
Mathews Journal of Neurology invites Research articles, Review articles, Short communications, Case reports, opinion articles, etc.
Scope of the Journal
  • Neuro-muscular Disease
  • Neuro-oncology
  • Neuro-ophthalmology
  • Neuro-otology
  • Neuro-pathology
  • Neuro-pharmacology
  • Neuro-physiological Testing
  • Neuro-psychology
  • Neuro-rehabilitation
  • Neuro-traumatology
  • Neuro-vascular Diseases
  • Neurological Infections
  • Neuro-restoration and Resuscitation
  • Neurotoxicology
  • Sleep-Related Diseases
  • Strokes
  • Surgical Techniques and Instrumentations
  • CSF Physiology / Hydrocephalus
  • Congenital CNS Malformation
  • Dementia and Memory Disorder
  • Epileptology
  • Headache and Pain Management
  • Inflammatory and Demyelinating Diseases
  • Interventional Neuro-radiology
  • Intracranial Monitoring
  • Molecular Diagnosis / Therapy
  • Movement Disorder / Functional Neurosurgery
  • Neuro-critical care
  • Neuro-embryology
  • Neuro-endocrinology
  • Neuro-degenerative Diseases
  • Neuro-imaging
  • Pediatric Neurology / Neurosurgery
  • Neuro-modulation