The human immune deficiency virus (HIV) first reared its
head in the early eighties when young homosexual men
(MSM) curiously began presenting with features suggestive
of Pneumocyitis carinni Pneumonia (PCP) now jirovechi (PJP)
and Kaposi sarcoma. These presentations were occurring
mostly in healthcare centers located in the USA especially in
New York and California. It was in 1982 the first cases were
scientifically described. Later the virus was isolated from one
of these patients with lymphadenopathy and identified in
the laboratory by Gallo and colleagues. This eventually
identified the HIV as the cause of AIDs. However it might be
mentioned for historical purposes that as far back as the early
1900s the Simian immunodeficiency (SIV) virus the ‘relative’
of HIV that resides harmlessly in monkeys and Apes were
first transmitted to the human race where they evolved into
pathological species and eventually renamed HIV.
In 1980
a male from San Fransisco the first case of AIDS recognized
at the time was reported to the center for Disease control
Later that same year this first case, ‘patient zero’ was
identified as Gaetan Dugas a Kaposi sarcoma patient that was
Received Date: 12 Jan 2016
Accepted Date: 22 Jan 2016
Published Date: 26 Jan 2016
KEYWORDS: HIV; AIDS; Female Condoms; Culture Education
Copyright © 2016 Mabayoje VO
Citation: Mabayoje VO. (2016). HIV’s Unsolicited Flirtation
with the African Woman: A Review of the Present Status. M J
HIV. 1(1): 002.
Introduction: Human immune deficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that has plagued both men and women since the onset of
the pandemic in the early eighties. However over time it as became evident that the virus through various means has a
predilection for the female sex.
Aim: The aim of this paper is to highlight this problem, consider the various causes and offer suggestions as to how the
problems may be overcome.
Materials and Methods: Review of existing literature, personal and similar published work emphasizing and supporting
the subject. Dext top referencing.
Results and Conclusion: Various studies have repeatedly confirmed that the female sex is significantly more vulnerable
without a doubt to HIV infection than the male sex. There has to be a more active and aggressive approach designed
towards reducing the higher incidence of HIV among the female sex. This may include increased societal awareness and
education and reduction in cultural practices that predispose them to HIV
HIV positive, a flight attendant known to frequent many bath
houses and was subsequently linked to many of the cases
at the time. Gaetan Dugas is thought to have introduced
HIV from Canada in to the United States (transcontinental
transmission) and has often been compared to Typhoid Mary
(Mary Mallon) responsible for the typhoid epidemic of the
early 1990s in New York City.
Presently the number of
those living with HIV world wide is 36.9 million, however 70%
of them reside in Sub-Saharan Africa [5, 6]. Of this 70% the
majority are females.
HIV not only affects the health of individuals, it impacts
households, communities, and the development and
economic growth of nations. Many of the countries hardest
hit by HIV also suffer from other infectious diseases, food
insecurity, and other serious problems. In most studies carried
out on the prevalence and incidence of HIV it has been found
consistently that females are more frequently infected than
males. This cannot be over emphasized. Studies carried out in
our institution correspond with studies carried out elsewhere
in Africa in this respect. For example in studies carried out
in our center based in sub-saharan Africa and published recently it was noted that females were much more infected
than males. One such study revealed that 68.92% of the total
infected study population were females and this was found
to be statistically significantly higher than males (p=0<0.005).
Another study showed that 73.8% of the study population
were females [7, 8].
African females could also be two to six times more infected
with HIV than men. Even though the vast majority of new
HIV infections in sub-Saharan Africa occur in adults over
the age of 25, HIV disproportionately affects young women.
More than 4 in 10 new infections among women are in young
women aged 15-24. 15-19 year olds are particularly at risk
equating to higher HIV prevalence rates when they are older.
For example, in Mozambique, HIV prevalence is 7% among
15-19 year olds but rises to 15% for 25 years olds. Likewise,
in Lesotho, HIV prevalence rises from 4% among 15-19 year
olds to 24% among 20-24 year olds. A review of 45 studies
across sub-Saharan Africa found that relationships between
young women and older men are common and associated
with unsafe sexual behaviour and low condom use, which
heightens their risk of HIV infection. This has been established
in similar environs to ours repeatedly as mentioned earlier,
since the introduction of highly active antiretroviral drugs
in 1996 there has been a dramatic increase in the quality
and length of life of infected individuals. However it
is unfortunate that females that contribute significantly to
the development of nations through the nurturing of both
men and women from birth do not appear to be receiving
the optimal benefits from HAART due to their increased
susceptibility to HIV infection. Several reasons have been
proposed for this disparity in HIV infection among males and females. This becomes ironical when in the same breath it
is said men have more ‘risky’ sexual habits than women yet
women are more infected.
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